Learning from the Past

"It is my earnest hope - indeed the hope of all mankind - that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the blood and carnage of the past, a world found upon faith and understanding, a world dedicated to the dignity of man and the fulfillment of his most cherished wish for freedom, tolerance and justice."

- General Douglas Macarthur, 1945

Organizations offering Audio Search Indexing Technology

A few months ago Google canelled the GAUDI Project. Because I knew Google was a company who could offer Audio Search Indexing as a free service, I was frustrated. Luckily, there are many companies persuing this technology. I have contacted several.

MSNBC.com Chief on Video Transcripting

The transcription of the voice track of video has proven to be a big value by making video more searchable. Now, it is making video editing more effective and scalable, explains Charles Tillinghast, President and Publisher of msnbc.com.

WARBLITZ chats with Ken Burns about the Veteran's GAUDI mission

Seeking Ken's Clout

Kimball Clark and Ken Burns

Davis Reads, a non-profit arm of Davis County School District, invited Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns to discuss his upcoming work on National Parks. WARBLITZ was given free tickets, and Kimball Clark had the opportunity to briefly discuss with Ken their desire to join the nation's Veteran's Histories into one searchable database.

Ken suggested we turn to the Veteran's Oral History Project, but Kimball said, "We have tried, and they said they did not currently have appropriate funding to do any search enhancements, and anything we can do privately would be appreciated." Burns was disappointed to hear this, whereby Kimball then discussed Google's innovation of GAUDI. Ken knew of this innovation, and Kimball asked for Ken's "clout" to assist veteran interviewers in combining all our histories in one audio-searchable database, accessible to the world via more public means provided by Google. Ken agreed to assist us. Kimball handed Ken his card, and endeavors to remain in contact with Mr. Burns.


Uniting Veteran's Oral Histories into one Database

After reviewing Google's GAUDI, and the Veteran's Oral History Project, Warblitz Organizers began to clarify the reason for their existence.

One of the unique features of the Oral History Project is the ability the public has to search amongst transcribed interviews. Unfortunately, most of the interviews are not transcribed rendering the bulk of the interview unsearchable. To seek connections, researchers are required to watch the entire interview which is time consuming and inefficient. GAUDI, however, does not require previously transcribed histories and their software can recognize audio, automate the transcription to the best of its ability, and search the audio between videos. Mr. Clark said, "To understand its full potential, you've got to check it out."

"For months, as we interviewed veterans, we were trying to find how our work differed from other individuals who record veterans. After calling the Library of Congress about the Veteran's Oral History Project, we discovered they lacked funding with their Veteran Collection Search as well as the entire program itself, we found they were in dire need of private assistance."

After the call, it became apparent to WARBLITZ organizers they had a cause worth seeking.

"The purpose of WARBLITZ is to Save History to Save our Future, and target the younger audience. If the younger audience is limited in their access to these films, they will not be found. YouTube is a great resource for all ages, primarily the young. It offers a splinter of hope whereby the world can access data easily and without encumbrance. Google's YouTube, combined with GAUDI, provides a hip and powerful window for all ages to search and link Veteran histories from all nationalities. Imagine the capabilities for historians to link history, battles, individuals and veterans. Connecting one veteran's words to others, will provide connections that would otherwise never be found. GAUDI allows the spoken word to be searchable, and if Google willingly adds Veterans as an additional subject to a GAUDI search, Historians across the world will benefit from thousands of testimonies."

Kimball Clark continues to connect with others throughout the world who are archiving histories of those who fought before us. He hopes that by banding together, the combined digital archive can be large enough to encourage Google to accept our diligent offering. WARBLITZ desires that Google's GAUDI will add another subject line underneath "Politics"—that of "Veterans."

WARBLITZ; Featured on AM 570, KNRS and FM Partner Stations

Listen to the Dec. 6, 2008 FEEDBACK Broadcast (.MP3 Download)

To better understand the mission and purpose of WARBLITZ, please listen to the program.
David Cawley of Clear Channel's weekly FEEDBACK, interviewed myself and Mark Hatting, a student who assisted in some graphic design work for “Bud” Huesgen. Mr. Cawley performed excellently and WARBLITZ received about 5 or 6 able and willing volunteers from the show.


Kimball Clark, Warblitz Organizer, did his first interview in grade school. He was asked to find someone who experienced the Depression, and create a report. The rest was history.

Recently, Kimball has been asked a variety of questions regarding WarBlitz. Below you will find his responses:

"Why are you doing this?"

WarBlitz is my meager attempt to persuade others to recognize the elderly. We must take initiative in learning from the older generation's experiences. After the inevitable passing of the great generation before us, which will be soon, WWII history is history. Veterans of this great war will no longer exist. Civilians, who were affected the most, will also pass. Their accounts, however, will shine as a beacon toward the younger generation in all countries to help them understand the severity of war. Since 2000, I have dealt with our younger generation in multiple settings (mostly through education). Many are oblivious to the sacrifices made by our forefathers in obtaining what we now enjoy. This project "wakes us up," breeds relationships, makes us grateful, and helps us become more involved in political processes.

"Are you Anti-War?"

"No and yes: No, because war is oft times necessary and encourages innovation. Yes, because war is terrible."

New Website Coming Soon!

Featuring a clearer mission statement, volunteer helps, comprehensive veteran lists, donation specifics, and most importantly, Warblitz Footage!

Future Documentary?

There has been some discussion about a future documentary. I am hoping to gather several filmmakers who are willing to edit. Talented Utah documentary filmmakers who have willingly offered their time for interviews, without cost, are listed below:

Isaac Goeckeritz, director of Uintah United
Ashley Karras, director of The Inheritance of War
Dave Skousen
Thom Rockwell
Aaron Spencer, currently employed at Footnote
Israel Patterson
Paul Cocanour
Joshua Wiscombe's friend (name forthcoming)

The purpose of a future documentary will be two fold:
1. Encourage others to save history before it is too late
2. To save our future, specifically targeting younger audiences